In the good old days….you know, waaaaay back 20 years ago….all you had to do was build a website, throw it up on the Internet and voila! instant visitors. In other words all you had to do was build it and they would come. Not so any more.
Now everybody and their brother has a website and search engines have to wade through all these sites to find those that are relevant to the search being performed. So, what does this mean for you? It means that not only do you need to have a great looking site, you must also make sure the search engines find it and deem it relevant enough to appear at the top of the search results.
Not only that, but once you appear at the top of the pile in search returns, you have to grab the viewers’ attention in……
5 seconds, 1/12th of a minute
……that’s the amount of time you have to grab a viewer’s attention.
Infinite Color has a clear understanding of the 5 second rule. After all, this isn’t our first rodeo; we have been providing our clients with high quality, attention grabbing web and print design for several years so we are uniquely qualified to equip your site with the tools necessary to attract viewers within the 5 second window.
What to Expect
We will meet with you for a free consultation. During this time we will discover what your business needs in a website and answer any questions you have.
Not sure what you need in a website? No problem! We work together with you to determine appropriate goals for your site. Drawing from our years of experience designing successful websites, we can help you develop an attractive site with all the functionality required.
Infinite Color designs your site, including any customization necessary. Specific attention is given to search engine optimization. This means we will work with you to ensure that each page of your site has the information it needs to appear at the top of the search engines.
Upon final approval the site is taken “live” via hosting with Infinite Color or another host of your choice.
You’re Not Left in the Dark
Many of our websites are designed using a content management system called WordPress. One of the reasons we use WordPress is because it is so easy to customize and use. This means you can learn how to use a simple HTML editor to make your own updates to your website.
Have a new product? Promoting a event? Exhibiting at a trade show? You can easily add this information to your site. However, we are always available to make these updates for you.
We provide any support you need even after your website is up and running. This means that if your viewers starting getting error messages, we can fix that for you. No matter what the issue, just give us a call. We are not the type of company to “design ’em and leave ’em”. When you work with Infinite Color you have the continued support you need to keep your website running smoothly and effectively.
For a free consultation, email us or give us a call at (360) 666-6977.